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Eyes of Crowes

The ripe image
And the eye
Can not break
The human contact
Of give and take
Mi- ka-shi-ga
Single cell 
A pause for strength
A breath for life 
The silent eyes
Of Crowes
That slip across shadows
Speaking of stories
None remember 
That have lain quietly
Upon ancient stones
Of fire and wonder
From the ashe 
And thunder....
A theater 
Of lights..
Before there was
Wisp and myst...
The stories rise
And shall be spoken...
The words becoming 
More than themselves....
Resuming flesh
As we/
Once again
Take flight
With the shadow arrows 
Of Crowes..
There are gatherings 
Upon the/
Streams of asphalt
Sharpened words
Like crafted flint...
Thrown about
last minute
Creating the havoc 
Of war zones...
Piles of bedding
In public parks 
Mocking the laws
Of public safety 
Synthetic fiber tents
In jeopardy of "legal"
A fragile refuge
At best..
Of past generations 
Without the corrective lenses/lessons
Power to the people?!..
Neh!....power Of..the people...
Better said
The eye
The image 
Held in mind.. 
Second Sight
The strength of will 
Wa-Zhi^_ I-Ta
Burnt horizon 
The cold ashes/
Of a setting sun
Exchange light 
For darkness 
A dust wind whispers....
Crowes the morph between
Dusk and dawn 
Avians and night flight
Finders of the lost
The sweated prophecies 
Of the sacred dead...
Come alive!...
Walk with us
Into the distance
Living coals
Eyes dance
In the shades
Of blaquest night
Protest rhetoric 
Through the cavities 
Of silent buildings 
As authorities 
Draw secret lines
Ready to harvest...
With their kevlar cloaked
Party favors 
Legal phrases
Upon their lips
A decided point 
Of opposition to
Prior to engagement 
Ready to act
With aggression....
Youth and Olde Men
Horses drawn into the 
The chained chaos
Of demonstrated 
Public " decency "...
Smoke upon glass
No marks
Left behind..
Who shall be
The next to die?!....
We have been here
Five hundred years 
Already counted...
Practice in the making!!..
Dark nights secret dancing ...
Death shall find us
In ceremony 
Come the dawn light...
Crowes shall be
Our downy beds
Where we shall not
Is a false promise 
It is not part of
What it means 
To be...
" Sooo Civilized "
Blood cringing death
Sob sounds
Of death songs 
In the mid night hour
Of whom we have become 
We cry to the Crowes
For leaving!....
So we saw blood
And violence 
Upon this..
" Columbus day "
We felt the crush of
Authoritarian hatred 
Burnt in designs 
Complete with the
Rusted echoes of
wild fire
And the hopeless wailing
Of slavery...cracking whips
And chains!...psst!...psst!
(Handcuffs just as well yea?!)
And this is to be 
And So we spill 
The bones of 
Raw chance 
By our own 
Free Will
We fan sacred smoke
With feathers
Blessed by the Crowes
Feather the thoughts
In our minds
And seek to fulfill 
The second sights 
Of our good 
That will
Out live 
Anything we choose to do 
Dead Stars
'N' ghost dancers
Shirtless signs of
The poise of dancers 
Wearing crowns of Cedar
'N' Sage
The rattle/shake
Of the deer toes..
The rippling currents
Of the air
As the drums 
Tell stories
That are reserved for
Winter at
the rest/
Is a given...
That the people 
Will be there...
Truth and the complications 
Of who we are...
Spirit is eternal 
The elements 
Come to us
They who
Never knew flesh 
Drift ...Echoe
In the darkness...
Shapes shift
In the clouds
And we follow them 
Images of mirrored strength 
Passing beyond our ken
Broken stones
Of sacred ground
We will defend it...
We have seen the end
We have walked to the edge
And back again 
We know who comes
For us ..
We hear their chittering 
Alien voices 
In the glittering dark...
They shall
Know us by the
Ageless signs
Of our ancestors..
Our wa- mo^-pshe-the
The Crowes
Have brought us
What we need....
Spiritual weapons
Do not break....
You see a twig
A bit of bone
A prayed over rock
We/ see 
What they represent....
By megaphone 
never much 
Of a presence
The unity of 
Native Language 
Languages borne
Upon TurtleIsland...
Given voice 
by the oft
ragged children 
Of RedEarth...
Are a greater presence 
By volume 
The great mysteries 
Have blessed us!...
We call upon thee!!..
In yet another hour 
Of need!!...
Crisis threatens 
To crush us under!!...
We are still alive!!...
We shall pray!...and endure!
With thy help!... for all ages!!...
We shall be here!...
Truth blazing a trail!...
We are RedEarth!!...
We are the children 
Of those that could not be
Done unto death!!...
We are by 
Blood blessed dreams
relatives of the
Messengers from beyond
The stars...
Yes...the Crowes ..
They who carry
The missives of
Our reality...
We are the 
GhostRoad borne
And we shall always 
Find our way home....

~ SoldierBlue 

Photo by Tish BridgeType your paragraph here.


Walk with me in the place of no places
In the time of no time
In the thought of no thoughts
In the still fire of no desire
In the whole of nothing
In the ultimate control of no control
Where the highest branches entwine
With the deepest roots
Where nothing is all
And all is a thought away

Create with me in the place of no places
Spirit dancing with itself
One cosmic chakra at a time

~ Carol Dixon

Back Stage

Soul filled with the harmony of the Universe,
Struggling always to put it into words,
Words that can give more meaning to the notes,
Words that will dig into souls and open doors,
He burns the proverbial candle at both ends.

Driven to express, yet needing to survive,
He merges two opposing worlds
With energy and creativity,
With sweat and blood and tears,
With a deep sense of purpose.

Teacher, entertainer, philosopher,
Magician, weaver, shaper...
He blends what he knows, what he has seen,
Into something they can understand.

Straddling two worlds,
They see him as bigger than life.
They never see the doubt.
They are never aware of the struggle.
They never see the pain
Of the long hours,
The emotional ride,
The intense sacrifices.

He continues on his mission,
Always focused,
Never ceasing and always driven
To follow his dream and fulfill his inner purpose,
To meet the expectations of others,
And to keep himself whole
So he can continue the journey,
The journey that is his life and his art.

~ Carol Dixon


There are those who call it
This driving dream of love
That burns
In a spark or a raging fire
Through the hearts of so many...

They fail to see
The instinctual awareness
Shining in every facet
Of the diamond...
Awareness that their reality
Is a dream...
And this primal longing for oneness
Which we name love,
This urge to unite and merge,
Is the conduit carrying the dream
To the source,
The one element
Which makes the rest real...
The element that defines whole.

Some see that this longing
Can never be fulfilled,
For fulfillment for all
Would reunite all,
Causing all to cease
Except in the mind of the all.
So they reject the conduit that connects,
Jaded, turning cold.

Some never see,
Yet follow the longing,
Always hoping for fulfillment,
Finding it in fragments
In larger pieces,
Or not at all,
Yet clinging to faith,
Seeking blindly
That which they never truly understand.

And some see the truth of it,
See the futility of fulfillment for all,
See the result that risks cynicism,
Yet reject the jaded view,
Believing that a part of the cosmic equation
Is the hope that generates
When small sparks are sometimes allowed
To burst into consummate flame,
Finding the legendary union of souls,
Radiating the depth of compassion,
That fuels the rest
To keep open the conduit
And continue their search.

They are the fulcrum,
Keeping the balance
Between the unmanifested One
And the multi-faceted dream.
They are the dreamers
Who cause dreams to come true,
The weavers of the magic of the cosmos
Who fertilize the garden
Of cosmic Mind.

~ Carol Dixon