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~ Fox Northstar
The biggest problem with this country are
the people in it. Those problems, all of them,
were brought here by the first illegal
immigrants who were the trash, scum,
rejects, religious zealots, murderers,
thieves, sick, ill and diseased and moved
into the future of today.
Yes, most of the people in this country are descendants of them and nothing has changed other than all of you Americans are fully responsible for destroying this country and if not then it wouldn't be in the condition it is. It was perfect before you all came here. And that's the fact Jack.
This popped up on my memories, and seems appropriate…again! I took a lot of flack then, and fully expect I will again. But the truth is painful.
When I set off on this, my intent was to share Granddad’s smartass comments and explore their humour which embedded wisdom. That, and the time honored teachings passed down amongst our peoples for generations and are still valid. Well, it morphed, somewhat, into being a dystopian view of “civilization.”
I ran this by my remaining family (as they ARE avid readers here), and their consensus is that I have become Granddad reincarnate. Can’t say I’m not flattered, but their take on it is I voice things he would say about the current situations.
Lately, I have fallen into a 3-D attitude. Let me explain…
I am DISAPPOINTED that this so-called nation has elected a convicted felon and indicted traitor to lead this country. How low can we go? Where are these so-called “American values” that generations of my family (current generations included) fought for? My Abnaki ancestors fought on the American side in the Revolution. I live on the surviving portion of land granted for that service. Its been in the family for two centuries.
I am DISGUSTED that we can no longer trust the mainstream media. How can we when it is completely owned by power grabbing billionaires? Reagan set this all up with removal of the Fairness Doctrine and “trickle down economics,” which eliminated the middle class, Now we have but two: the mega-rich and poverty.
Add to that, the failure of our education system. Civics is no longer taught in high school (including the Constitution), and the understanding of basic economics never has been! (I still struggle with my checkbook.) Critical thinking has gone out the window. “No child left behind” and common core sound good, but in practice, they stifle individuality. What you are good at can very well be my weak point. We could help each other, but they want everyone to be able to only run the machinery that makes them richer, and NOT realize how they are screwing us over.
I am DEPRESSED that so many are too stupid because if the above to believe the lies. Anyone with a lick of sense COULD have stepped back and figured it out. Or are they so greedy and indoctrinated that laziness now counts more than ethics and moral values?
Let me say one last thing here. There are plenty of independent media sites to be explored. I suggest you explore and find them, along with the truth. I can recommend, as well as ProPublica. Com, in my opinion the most balanced. If you want to go off the deep end left wise, is good, but granted, it is a wee bit biased (but fun to read).
Lastly, spend a little and join the ACLU and SPLC. They will be the frontline in fighting back (I DID put my money where my mouth is on these). There is also the NAACP, and others I probably never heard of either…
For the next four years, this will be tricky, but as always, do your best to walk in balance.
Photo courtesy the Author