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Action Required

​~ Melody Gotwalt

It has been centuries that our land became

occupied by the United States government.

In 1924, their politicians established that

members of first nations would also be

included in the U.S. rolls as citizens. Along

with this action, native people would be allowed to vote in their government election. However, it would take until 1965 Voting Rights Act for this right to be set across all the states.

While it seems strange that an occupier would care about our choice to run their government, we have a right to add our voices to this choice. Shall we exercise this right? It is true that their decisions affect our lives and those of our descendants after us. Although we remain a minority, our voices can make a difference in a close election. Therefore, I think we should participate in the election.

You have your own elders to consult in your choices. We can consider our values that we would like to see in the person who will lead this country. Qualities such as honesty, integrity, respect for mother nature, and concern for the welfare of all human beings. Finally weigh which leader would set the way for a better future for our children and grandchildren or at a minimum will do the least amount of harm.

Let us take the time to make an effort to vote our choices. Please let us all vote this year.